Estrella Rodriguez, Substitute Teacher

Estrella is an interdisciplinary artist and aspiring educator. She was born in Cuba and came to the US when she was 4 years old. Estrella spent the majority of her childhood playing in the natural world; She can vividly recall being 6 years old and throwing toys off of the balcony so she would be able to go outside to get them. Estrella is currently studying education and sustainability at MassArt in Boston.

Estrella previously worked as a spanish translator and did a WWOOF on a homestead in New Jersey. She has taught with BOPN at both the Boston and Wellesley location since 2021 and is looking forward to another year of growth and learning with the children!

The opportunity to offer children the experience of learning and forming a relationship with the cycles, systems, and connections of nature is so impeccable.

Estrella believes in kindness to oneself, other beings, and the Earth.  She thinks that through engagement with the natural world, people can cultivate kindness in those forms. She also considers herself to be an advocate of connection with the Earth. Estrella believes we should view the Earth as a friend: one tends to care more for friends than strangers, so forming a relationship with the Earth will allow children to grow up considering how to show love and care for it.


Anne-Marie Vaduva, Substitute Teacher


Zora Dallman, Teaching Fellow